Saturday, May 08, 2010


Two weekends ago, Roy and I went to Ann Arbor, Michigan to visit Kristine, partly because she's occasionally fun to be around, and partly because after she graduates from grad school (which has already happened now), there will be no reason for us to even think about going to Michigan ever again. So we seized upon the opportunity to see a new place and Kristine was kind enough to put us up and put up with us for a couple of rain-spattered days.

We saw the sights, ate the foods, caught a show with The Antlers (and Phantogram opening), walked through the Arboretum, played by the railroad tracks, visited a desolate Detroit, argued about meal checks and sleeping arrangements, traded music, got rained on, and generally enjoyed ourselves amidst a grab-bag of random adventuring, both mundane and sublime. Here are some highlights.

(that's all gum, by the way.)

1 comment:

  1. great shots! major withdrawals of good company afterwards. who knows - maybe you guys will visit MI again in the future!
